If you are a friend or client of Juno, you know we value the education of skincare and helping our clients improve the health of their skin. We pay detailed attention to our clients’ skin stories and help them adapt their skin care needs to be based on their personal health, season changes, and other environmental factors.
We are well into summer now, with temperatures in Amarillo consistently hitting 90 degrees or more. The benefit of getting a little extra vitamin D from the sun is wonderful, but there is much more to maintaining healthy skin in the summer heat than what most people realize. With this in mind, we’ve put together some simple, easy to implement tips for you to protect your skin this summer.
Ida’s Six Summer Must-Do’s for Health Skin
- Protect, with sunscreen, and more sunscreen. Reapplying sunscreen is very important, especially when you are at the beach or pool. Reapplying should be every 1½ hours. Remember that tan skin, even when it seems appealing is really your body’s response to sun damaged skin. Do yourself a favor and be vigilant when it comes to wearing sunscreen.
- Wear protective clothing when gardening hiking, walking, biking, etc. When you know you will be outdoors for an extended period of time be sure to wear lightweight clothing that will allow the skin to breathe and shield you from the harsh UV rays. You wouldn’t dream of going out in the winter without a coat to protect your body; it is equally important to be covered appropriately in the summer.
- Exfoliate your skin to get rid of dry flaky skin. Exfoliating removes all the dead skin cells and dirt that may have seeped in your skin thanks to that summer sweat. Include exfoliation into your daily routine for cleaner skin and your makeup will last longer, too.
- Put nutrients back into the skin with a moisturizer or serum for your face even if you have oily skin or tend to perspire more with the summer heat. Drying out your complexion won’t do you any favors. Keeping your skin care routine consistent—which includes moisturizing every day is always a good idea.
- Keep yourself hydrated with good water such as Smart Water or water with electrolytes, or alkaline is a must. Summer robs you of hydration because it’s hotter, you perspire more and you are likely to be much more active, which can lead to dehydration. You must prepare for this change in the environment and help your body to compensate for the water loss.
- Maintaining a good diet and getting plenty of rest also helps protect your skin from the inside out. Consuming fruit and vegetables rich in vitamins and water will help your skin look and feel its best.
Your skin is the first barrier to protecting the body from the harsh environment. Please consider introducing these tips into your daily routine this summer to keep yourself healthy, glowing and radiant from the inside out. Remember we are always here for you to answer any questions or provide a complimentary skin care analysis.
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